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Intensive Training in EU Law: Young European Lawyers Academy

In this project a series of intensive courses consisting of a webinar and an eight-day seminar will be organised in Trier (Germany), providing initial training to on EU law 35 young lawyers per group.
It will provide a platform for the exchange of best practices, information and knowledge, creating close contacts among young lawyers from different jurisdictions.

  • Intensive 8-Day Course and Webinar: Deep-dive into EU law and digital competencies
  • Apply the Law: Learn how to use EU law and digital developments to your advantage in your daily legal practice
  • Exclusive Access: Visit the CJEU and European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) to discuss the future of law in personal meetings with the judges of the courts

The courses are practice-oriented and offer a mixture of training methods, varying from lectures to group exercises presented by EU and national legal experts, including experienced lawyers in private practice.

Participant Stories: The Impact of YELA

Insights from Our Expert Speakers


About the Project

Why YELP Matters

Co-funded by the European Union